This Week in Global Logistics 5

This Week in Global Logistics 5

China Reports Trade Deficit in February – Mainly due to the timing of Chinese New Year,Chinaimported $7.3 more than it exported in the second month of 2011.  Though surprising, the news is understandable considering that most manufacturers experience an extended...
This Week in Global Logistics

This Week in Global Logistics

EU Mulls Options for Maritime Cap-and-Trade – The European Union (EU) plans to implement an emissions-trading program if an international agreement to curb the industry’s pollution is not made.  European experts expect that international maritime emissions will double...

Green Terms: Cold Ironing

When a container ship is docked and being unloaded at port, it still needs to power onboard lights, refrigeration, etc. Traditionally, this power has come from auxiliary diesel engines onboard the ships. However, in efforts to reduce port emissions, Cold Ironing is...